Saturday, April 21, 2012

Innovation needs no Incubation, I think

Have you realized how apps that win competitions go nowhere? And as if that's not enough, do you know how judges decide the winner? Presentation. A lot of money is floating in the everywhere waiting to be won in the next competition. In fact Myself if I had money to sponsor an event, I would. At least  to remain relevant against my competitors. I think we're training presenters as opposed to innovators.So, is this what we're calling innovation? I know and you also can give examples of individuals and groups who appear on every next competition with an idea/app and actually take home a runners up prize if not win it. Seems we/you created a career for presenters at the expense of innovators. Now let me be honest, most of the applications that don't win in competitions make most business sense or at least could be changed a little to work? And this means that they are sustainable solutions to the existing problems. That to me would be innovation

Let's come to my main point.
They are doing it. Innovation is acted on.
Innovation needs no Incubation. The successful ones did not need it; neither will the successful future ones need it. Innovation should be sustainable. I/We know of PesaPal & Cheki. See what they're doing? Compare that to KamataKab or even Mfarm. I'll not mention the detailed weaknesses but you know  M-farm has kind of changed their model severally.

 As for KamataKab, the last tweet they ever had that would be relevant to implementing it was on january 5th and it was to wish it's audience a happy new year.

These  apps/ideas who won an iPad, money or just something else never go far beyond the publicity they get from winning. No pun intended but by now you get what I meant to put across

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