Thursday, January 27, 2011

Pasha; opening comunnities.(kenya)

“Pasha” is a Swahili word that means ‘to cause to get,

GOK has a project under the ICT board dubbed pasha,

The main aim of the project is to cause rural areas to get access and be able to use ICT resources.

It’s also a way of creating economic opportunities that will boost the development of rural areas thus a way of

Bridging the already existent “digital-divide”.

ICT is definitely a way of achieving millennium goals for a developing country like Kenya.

Pasha has also partnered with family bank to give loans to start-ups that have a convincing way of running business payable in 3 years.

3years is hereby assumed that the company should have broken even and on its feet by then.

 I assume this is a great chance to all those whose idea needs just funding to complete the package.


A while ago I read Nicholas Carr’s article “DOES IT MATTER” which describes IT as a necessity to business ventures in future and is no longer an advantage to business ventures using it assuming from the big companies to the rural areas who’ve now been ‘caused to get’ this advancement in technology.


This move I agree is a great one towards our millennium development goals. Keep it Pasha!






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