Friday, April 1, 2011

Incubator Incubate Incubation,,,,,

Incubation in Africa and mostly in Kenya has become the in thing. The timing for this is perfect especially with the explosion of ICT opportunities and possibilities. In just a month i have learned of new more incubation programs than incubate-es(to mean those who are beneficiaries of the incubation programs). I'm really for the idea that young ideas be improved, developed and brought into light where they can be able to shine and possibly change lives of people for better. Talking of incubation, the first i know of is SITT(Strathmore Information Technology Transfer) program which "seeks to commercialize ICT innovation in Kenya. The SITT Program is focussed on working with young ICT entrepreneurs, innovators and students in Kenya."(see kemibaro's blog on that).I trust we've heard of Safaricom Innovation  which kicked off in less than a month ago.
other 'kids on the same block include NAilab , HumanIPO,Mobile Monday-Kenya and i can predict we'll be seeing more of that in town.

My concerns however when i wrote this is from a different point of observation. I consider incubation now more of an industry rather than an industry-maker with all these players in the game. There is bound to be competition since the set incubatees in question is still the same. For as long as new incubators keep cropping up in town the grass will be shared among the available incubators. It's mathematical function x/yit's the denominator than changes/increases, the numerator remains the same.soon the grass is almost exhausted.
I think it's high time incubators started going to other 'smaller towns' to source for students who have ideas. Another idea would be to actually start thinking of involving high school students in this. who knows?, the next huge innovation would come from a teen. It's a great time incubators and the like started venturing into other grounds before we start seeing incubators for incubating other incubators

......just an opinion from my point of (inexperience)

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