Monday, March 8, 2010

Chaos in TrAnsport

I really have an issue with transport in kenya.The rate of bribery on our roads is juust un-tolerrable.assuming that there are ten roadblocks between a station and the next....if at each roadblock a matatu remits 50bob it means that the total cost of just plying the route is 500/=...this is non-incluisive of fuel costs and other costs.this cost will obviously be covered by passengers since they are the source of the rest.indeed we end up paying for the constant bribery in kenya.
How about the police provide transport in kenya whereby the driver and the conductor are both policemen in such a way that they maximize keeping law and order...
that way there would be no cases of overlaping,overcharging and other scenarios we witness daily as we use our public transportation


  1. cool thinking right here.then i think the NEMA officers should now be the traffic controllers.
