Wednesday, June 29, 2011

TECH BLOGS [mid-size]

I like to talk stuff related to technology, of course that is what excites me to talk about however wrong or not i am in matters concerning Technology. Of blogs, I like reading blogs both in our region and in the wider sphere. VentureBeat huffing-ton post Globe and mail are among blogs i frequent.
I like how in 'our' region blogs have stepped up their game.
The blogs of kina Techweez, techmtaa and the like have a good record of being updated so that means there's content. Authors who write for these blogs have also increased. another plus.
The above blogs are what I'd call Top Blogs that have been accepted far and wide and have massive readers.

Then we have these back-street blogs who blog about the other bloggers who blog seriousness.i consider this mid-size blogs important cause most of them talk of opinions. Opinions form a basis for ideas which when looked into are polished then implemented as real-life solutions to the world. My point, mid-sized tech blogs are also important in this game.
Anyway the point is our 'younger' blogs should also have some form of recognition and appreciation for they hatch golden eggs too.
So today when you visit one of these blogs, please do leave your reactions, comments. Participate in a healthy discussion and help breed an idea into being.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Why Twitter for me

Here’s just what makes me think twitter’s on an upper side

Follow your interests

Twitter is such a miracle especially for my pursuits of knowledge. Ever since I joined I've had to spend less time on other sites on the internet and more of twitter. This is simply because the collective web is on twitter. And so this has made it easier to find out something of your interest. Definitely on some sort of info I need google for more info on a story or to get a certain website I'm looking for. Twitter however allows you to follow people of your interests and who actually talk about things that excite you.

In my opinion this is a great idea since in life we tend to hang out with those people who excite us and not just the people we call friends just because we know them or have been introduced to at some point in life, Word is birds of a feather tweet together.


What's happening?

Twitter is a bit more clever than Facebook(in my opinion of course) to ask this question. The question by fb is 'what's on your mind'. Honestly what's on some people's minds is that which you don't want to know. Commonly on people's minds these days are Issues, gossip, hatred, gender stuff and more silly stuff. Fb is the platform for all that.

Point is you need know what's happening, but what's on people's mind, especially those of different interests, you need not know.


140 characters

Once I wrote a tweet longer than that I got a message like "You'll have to be more clever than that". makes you feel sort of silly to get such message, and more so when the tweet you were posting was not so clever. This assures the timeline of brevity, simplicity and clarity by extension. Links and short descriptions are most common to direct you to the longer story. This also assures a neat looking TL with only text of equal size.


On trends I'd think I stick to #kenyansOnTwitter who almost literally run social media in kenya as a team with all sorts of people [#TeamRoast #Tweefs #Geeks #idiots #MkzImmigrangs #bullys  and others I'd rather not mention ]. Trends are so cool and spread like wild-fire. Shout out to #KOT for exaggeration skills on basically all trends. They practically exhaust all the info on a trend.


Verified accounts

The fact that we have verified accounts that give us the confidence that we're actually following/unfollowing the actual person we want to is a BIG plus. We are able to know who. Parodies I must say also add salt to the whole picture too.


Retweeting: is also a cool feature that extends the reach the information contained in  a tweet.



A negative for twitter as you follow your interests is mob thinking. Somebody starts all these positive and negative vibe.i find most of the population that join in to participate as the crowd who not necessarily share similar opinions but  just flow to keep the vibe flowing