I'd post this on SQ Blog but due to the un suitability of the truth in here I'd

rather 'hide' it here. On Sunday My project(PataSQ) and I was mentioned in the newspaper(BUZZ pg. 5) on how we're innovating to touch lives and make better use of technology within colleges & universities. For once I'd found myself running in town looking for a newspaper to see what was said about me. I must say it felt nice to get texts and calls of congratulations after having pushed the idea for half a year now. Having been mentioned in the newspaper has a way of massaging one's ego in such a way you'd buy two newspapers and keep them and on top of that scan it so that you keep it in digital. Well that is Good.
For me however that meant something else . That I have to gear up and do much more to keep touching lives with what I can. PataSQ is an app that is fairly young and at a very initial stage. It's not something that will be making money in the near future. I however hope to pair with like minds and make the best out of the outcome. More so the publicity arising from that will make more people willing to come on board and offer help on the same or other projects I'm working on- Good.
As an important milestone, PataSQ will head forward unto greater heights but I'll continue targeting students and the like.
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