Case 2 : Your other friend recently started a start-up and on the day they found you online (on chat) they requested you to do the same and like their page. Mind you you don't know why, how it helps you or worse, you may not even like the page in reality but cause of friendship you liked.
Case 3 : Your friend asked you to like a page so that their chances of winning something fore referring likes would increase. You wanted them to win the prize and so you joined their quest to winning the prize (and then congratulate them later)- not bad that's being a well wisher.
The word like-verb according to the dictionary on means to find agreeable of to take pleasure in. Recently there's been an increased craving of people wanting likes on Facebook pages.Don't mistake me for trying to tell you not to obey your 'friends' favor requests, they are your friends whom you choose.

My beef, if any, would be on the owners of the pages. I know you're happy counting likes and that translates to a wider audience and eventually you have a platform to influence others.
There are a few reasons why this won't work for the people who wanted likes from anybody
1. Interests: The people who end up in the sum of your 'likes' have no interests there. Don't market beef to vegetarians please.
2. Adverts: There are adverts and on Facebook they can be targeted to a people with a certain interest. Your adverts will always end up with the wrong kind of people who liked a page but in reality have not the slightest interests similar with the liked pages.
3. Growth: I like to think, "Rome was not built in a day". The part of this which i like is that there's the joy that is brought by growth; normal growth. Getting a thousand likes a week is enjoyable but the rate of growth won't last. It matters, it gives you a history, a story to tell. There's a normal growth curve which is observed by every growing entity/Org, yours is no exceptional.
A perfect example of pushing a product users is G+, they literally registered people physically while people register themselves on twitter and continue to grow the network by word of mouth. Look at pinterest, It's become so popular yet no much effort was used to sign up users (I presume) Facebook itself grew as it's usage spread among friends.
Or simply chema chajiuza kibaya chajitembeza
So to my point, create a product or service that touches lives and the people will like it. Naturally. I will, be all ears,
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