Tuesday, March 15, 2011

SMART BRANDS on social media

Looking at the growth of internet usage and information sharing being online is an unquestionable for any company worth it's name. much more latest trends show that social media is the new way to go as far as being online is concerned. Since your consumers are on social sites, it's of much importance to be there since they're your core sustainer as a marketer. History repeats itself and as from history. Looking at the way companies and different industries welcomed computerization  the same is expected with brands and social media as a current trend whose time is due.
Results of a recent TNS study that was conducted on companies listed on the NSE and their presence on social media were released at the event. A greater fraction of these companies have pages on facebook than twitter however the percentage of companies using their pages on twitter is much greater than facebook.
The fact that most companies now will be going into social media usage, it no longer is an advantage since all your competitors will be onboard the same platform as you are. What draws the line between the good and the better is dependent on the usage of these facility.
I find humble brands tend  more appealing  to online fans since they relate to the people not as a brand or an abstract entity but as a person. On twitter, Firefox is a perfect example of a humble brand which follows it's followers, safaricom is also a good example of such a brand.
My encouragement is on brands to make good and creative usage of social media to get an edge above the competition in social media

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