Sunday, October 30, 2011

My new job at the shop [part 2]

As for this second post lemme discuss the experiences there are at the shop / I shall put up another one for 'lessons learnt from the shop'

There are many moments of the day;

7 that I can describe for now.

TheAwkwardMoment: you look familiar
TheAnnoyingMoment: when there's no sale for a long duration and the first person comes in to ask for change.
The coolMoment: when the customer just wants to spend so you decide what to sell.
The eye opening moment: when you get a fake k note.[ then you go ahead and give out genuine 900+ currency]
The bored moment; when the phone charge dies and there's no more surfing.
The happy moment when you're closing the shop to go rest.
The lol moment when #lorryimebeba

more profound experiences perhaps?
lessons maybe

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

My new job at the shop [part 1]

Most of you who we're connected on Facebook, twitter and g+ already know what I've been doing lately. Shop keeping. These days i work as a daytime shopkeeper at my sister's shop. She's my employer, or boss if you so wish. The shop is for selling sodas, cakes, juices, fruits (& salads), cookies, and sweet milk among others (because we're meant to sell swag too as my boss puts it). I have been here now for a week ( and still counting). It's a complete new lifestyle. What I'm learning here is not what you Google, Wikipedia or listen in a class. It's a lot, so much that there should be an exam at the end of it.

At the shop I sell, welcome customers, answer questions, wipe the shop surfaces, smile at 'potential' customers, gaze, doze, wonder, read, think and most importantly surf all day. Lemme just tell you what i mduties are for the day, maybe in the next post i'll post more of photos and experiences i have being there;

In the morning on opening the shop i mop the floor, yes not a joke. The prepare fruit salads and fruit juices. That's all then i'm ready for the day's sales.

The rest of the time i'm usually on my tablet tweeting, reading nres online, basically staying up-to-date with what's happening elsewhere. I twitpic photos during the day. There's too much standing at the shop. At least now i can appreciate bank guards who stand all day. #EndOfJoke

There are a number of things they should declare illegal for a shop to operate without. A radio. Imagine the boredom of looking around a quiet room for a whole day. It's even unconstitutional to dare to imagine.

I'm also current with times so I put up this notice to show my customers how much I care for security- theirs and mine by extension.

ION once I settled with this whole shop procedure I reverted to coding at the shop. Call it Brogramming cause I do it in style. I finished working on that maasai market website, it's a few steps from changing the way MaasaiMarket trades.

Na kwa hayo machache, lemme now attend to this 'customer'. I just hope it's not a question.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Look, Tuju ako Ngangari

This post is not sponsored asin i'm not paid to campaign for Raphael Tuju or mention him in a positive way. If i'll be paid anyway then you'll also be paid for commenting or reading through still.

Raphael Tuju is the guy who insipes my post today. Lemme first of all describe his campaign and what i think is it's impact or rather how it's working out.

I'm really sorry bwana tuju for missing out on your full handle without an underscore. You're aware 'chelewa chelewa....' so that's why you're handle remains @raphael_tuju.

Your profile looks fine though the follower count is a little behind considering your opponents wako farthest. maybe you can consider doing a followback to catch up with the rest of them. Again your account is not verified but that's no big deal, with time we get to trust you with the content you have on it.

Hashtags: your best hashtag so far was #tujusheng. Worry not what we tweeps make fun of, in the end it's publicity is constant whether good or not so good.

Your youtube is also good at 58 subscribers, you know how good the sheng vid did you. It was funny, hilarious, captivating and just unexpected,
There was even a message for you by one of youtube, i hope you saw it, why don't you dare kenyans to upload videos of themselves with messages to you, it would be a fun idea, don't you think?

5,441 hits for this and still counting.

my point, raphael Tuju's campaign online though young, is something to look at, personally i like how it's being done, the content, plust the creativity in communicating to the online kenyans.
Stay ngangari my guy