Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Concert on livestream [Christian]

nairobiyouthconvention on Broadcast Live Free
This concert was streamed on Sunday evening, Really a blessing to believers present at the youth convention. livestream also has lots of other streams of sermons and other sessions at the camp. Well brought to you by Onpoint IT truly on point.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Old Gospel; New Technology [1]

It's definitely a great Easter weekend, I hope your weekend was as great with the sole purpose being the remembrance of salvation.I was lucky to have celebrated my birthday on 22nd which this time around was on good-Friday. I spent this Easter at kabete TTI for an extremely wonderful youth convention in my life yet. Of-course for the convention organization itself to be able to be hosted on the internet is in itself a great idea and progress in spreading God's wonderful message using current technology. There was also a page on Facebook, so as to also enjoy in the goodwill of social media in the same.  Use of Technologies like these is absolutely great especially in this age where it's use has spread widely both in the 'developed' and developing countries. My opinion on the gospel however is that the same old time gospel should be preached in the churches even with emerging trends.

Save for that here's an insight of what tech would be like back in the days of the old gospel.

Case [Moses]
Israelites as seen on google-earth(pasted from
Google maps- Moses while leading the Israelites from Egypt would definitely have needed Google maps for navigation through the desert, the red sea and around mount Sinai as well. I guess the IDEOS would have served him pretty well.
On that note Moses would also have required a tablet(say the galaxy s), of which I think he'd treasure it more than crashing in to the ground.
Twitter would also be a big hit in the days with moses having the largest share of follower. Picture the Israelites tweeting their journey with controversial leads like dathan and korah being the biggest haters probably #TeamRoast main members.Numerous radicals would also be on-board, hating like it's doom's day. As the saying 'every market has a mad man' there definitely would be those 'tweeps' with all sorts of handles ranging from the creative to those fonyfony handles you come across every-once in a while (@joshulito @aaronWag1 are sample handles) .
IPods would also be a common thing with introverts buried in earphones 27/4 of the journey.especially people like joshua, Aaron who least had an idea of the direction or time it will take them to get to their destination.

ushahidi platrofm would also have been used to aquire data from people's tweets. We read that a whole generation died in the wilderness, with ushahidi use they'd have been able to track information from multiple sources.Crowdmap aswell would come in handy for info mapping.
Finally i think android phone OS would be in use with the numerous handsets acquired at the safcom outlets before crossing red sea. android market would boom just like it does today. 

I Thank God  a wonderful Easter, i hope you do as well.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Number Portability #Nikuhama

Recently they enabled number portability for Kenyan subscribers across  network providers. It's however not as easy  to shift from one network to the other  as is shifting from #mkz to #twitter .There are a documents that are needed by the new network. Anyway it's something common to have 'original' documents needed as you enter anywhere (! including kanjo toilets) so we assume that it's acceptable for the new network to request for 'originals' as you enter their territory.
It's quite a common Kenyan trend to defect parties in a wave. Mostly it's the younger generation that'll tend to shift more from network to the other as some form of adventure, however retaining a number is also a thing the elderly phone users might be convinced to change providers especially for those who've had a number for a long period.

With this #nikuhama wave there are a number of things in the game that have to change, some for better some for worse.
The first thing have a feeling is that Should there arise a wave of shift from network to the other, 'marginalized' (smaller) networks in Kenya stand to gain(obviously) more so those that readily welcomes defectors. Airtel in my view would be the biggest gainer of these wanderers having started their campaign a good while ago with the number portability awareness so well CCK didn't have to put much effort to publicize the same.
Based on this argument, when smaller networks get numbers, there will arise a sort of level playground  having better positions in the market. Safaricom will from thence, have to regard to this marginalized service providers more as competitors than what they'd call AOB.

Interconnection between these networks will also improve with more subscribers across different networks.  With regards to this Safcom have to increase incoming traffic allowance . You will not be able to guess automatically to what network a subscriber belongs to and hence you can't even make prejudice on a call and the call rate. This definitely calls for some form of equality amongst the networks. The call rates therefore must be looked at once again and some form of standardization of making off net calls.

Money transfer is also an issue of dispute with safaricom having the major role in the market of money transfer. However the cost of transacting with safaricom's m-pesa has been for long the cry of many who now believe it's quite on the higher side and that we ought to have it's cost reduced. With 'marginalized' networks gaining porting defectors, their money transfer services are bound to improve which means some compe to the current leaders in this service.
It's clear that I support this growth of marginalized networks for the better of the telecommunication industry in future. I'd like to stop there but should anyone have figures of porting that have taken place I'd like to know of them, my email-

These are just a few of my foresights, from my point of ,,, inexperience.
Let's wait and watch

Friday, April 1, 2011

Incubator Incubate Incubation,,,,,

Incubation in Africa and mostly in Kenya has become the in thing. The timing for this is perfect especially with the explosion of ICT opportunities and possibilities. In just a month i have learned of new more incubation programs than incubate-es(to mean those who are beneficiaries of the incubation programs). I'm really for the idea that young ideas be improved, developed and brought into light where they can be able to shine and possibly change lives of people for better. Talking of incubation, the first i know of is SITT(Strathmore Information Technology Transfer) program which "seeks to commercialize ICT innovation in Kenya. The SITT Program is focussed on working with young ICT entrepreneurs, innovators and students in Kenya."(see kemibaro's blog on that).I trust we've heard of Safaricom Innovation  which kicked off in less than a month ago.
other 'kids on the same block include NAilab , HumanIPO,Mobile Monday-Kenya and i can predict we'll be seeing more of that in town.

My concerns however when i wrote this is from a different point of observation. I consider incubation now more of an industry rather than an industry-maker with all these players in the game. There is bound to be competition since the set incubatees in question is still the same. For as long as new incubators keep cropping up in town the grass will be shared among the available incubators. It's mathematical function x/yit's the denominator than changes/increases, the numerator remains the same.soon the grass is almost exhausted.
I think it's high time incubators started going to other 'smaller towns' to source for students who have ideas. Another idea would be to actually start thinking of involving high school students in this. who knows?, the next huge innovation would come from a teen. It's a great time incubators and the like started venturing into other grounds before we start seeing incubators for incubating other incubators

......just an opinion from my point of (inexperience)